News ID: 196
Publish Date : 11 August 2017 - 10:18

Economic stability is the most important automotive traders’ demand

Economic stability, reducing investment risks and avoiding the haste in making decisions is what the Iran’s automotive business activists want from form the government.
Khodrocar – This Saturday was the end of eleventh government and the twelfth government started its work with the presidency of Hasan Rouhani for the next four years. Considering the sanction removals, it’s predicted that the condition of automotive industry will be much better comparing to the eleventh government.

Now the important thing is automotive business activists’ demands from the new government in order to improve the imported car market situation.

Farhad Ehteshamzad, chairman of Iranian Automobile Importers Association told Khodrocar reporter: Due to the presence of some quasi-governmental companies in the automotive industry, these companies use legal monopolies that make it harder for other economic activists.

He points out: One of automotive activists’ demands is that the government and the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade do not hesitate on legislate and decide, so that the car market will be more stable.

He clarifies about the infrastructure required by the automotive activists: Economic stability and reducing investment risk is two most important infrastructures. The stability of exchange rate is the primary need for economic stability.